Our school held the Kick-off Ceremony for the Employment Promotion Action for College Graduates from Shenfu Demonstration Zone to Stay in Liaoning or Come to Liaoning in 2024 and the Spring Large-scale Campus Job Fair for Graduates from Shenyang Institute

Release time:2024-03-29Source of articles:Browse times:

The launch ceremony for the 2024 Shenfu Demonstration Zone’s initiative to encourage university graduates to stay or come to Liaoning for employment, along with the spring large-scale campus job fair for graduates of Shenyang Institute of Technology, was held at our school on March 28. The event, themed “Revitalization Needs You, and the Future Lies Ahead,” took place in our school gymnasium. Wang Hejin, member of the Party Work Committee and deputy director of the Administrative Committee of Shenfu Reform and Innovation Demonstration Zone, and Hu Xiaomei, Secretary of our school’s Party Committee, attended the ceremony and delivered speeches. Xu Ying, Vice President of our school, was also in attendance.

Wang Hejin expressed the hope that universities would continuously improve their employment guidance service system, incorporating employment education and guidance as an important part of comprehensive education. He also emphasized the need for close collaboration with relevant departments in the demonstration zone to improve employment resource development mechanisms, explore more grassroots employment opportunities, leverage the important channel of campus recruitment, better facilitate supply-demand matching, and guide graduates to actively participate in the grand scenario of Liaoning’s comprehensive revitalization and new breakthroughs over the next three years, writing a magnificent chapter of their lives in the demonstration zone.

Hu Xiaomei expressed heartfelt gratitude to the Shenfu Reform and Innovation Demonstration Zone for its long-term support and assistance to our school. She stated that the school would earnestly implement the deployment of the Ministry of Education and the Provincial Department of Education’s spring employment promotion campaign, optimize employment guidance services, strive to integrate social resources, and focus on providing employment opportunities to achieve full and high-quality employment for graduates. She hoped that the demonstration zone would continue to provide strong support and guidance to achieve complementary advantages and contribute to Liaoning’s efforts to build an international talent hub facing Northeast Asia.

The job fair was organized by the Party Construction Work Department, Social Affairs Bureau, and Employment and Talent Service Center of the Shenfu Reform and Innovation Demonstration Zone Management Committee, with the assistance of the Employment and Talent Service Center of Fushun City. Participants included Zhu Enlai, Director of the Party Construction Work Department, Li Guiqiang, Director of the Social Affairs Bureau, Kong Fanhua and Jin Ning, Deputy Directors of the Party Construction Work Department, and Bai Xuesong, Deputy Director of the Fushun City Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

The job fair attracted 304 enterprises from various provinces and cities across the country, including Fortune 500 companies, listed companies, key industry enterprises, and China’s Top 500 enterprises such as Nuclear Industry Well and Tunnel Construction Group Co., Ltd., Neusoft Group, China National Nuclear Corporation, Muyuan Foodstuff Co., Ltd., Chery Automobile Co., Ltd., Shenyang Haolilai Industrial Development Co., Ltd., Qingdao Sanli Group, and COFCO Homejoy Co., Ltd. These enterprises provided nearly 9,000 high-quality job opportunities, basically covering all majors at our school. More than 3,000 students participated in the job fair, with nearly a thousand reaching employment intentions. Our graduates, with solid theoretical knowledge and excellent practical abilities, are deeply favored by various employers. Many students have been selected by employers during their internship period and reached employment intentions. The employers have given high praise to our graduates. On the spot of the job fair, several students even signed employment contracts on the spot. Six students from the Surveying and Mapping Engineering major and the Special Energy Technology and Engineering major of the Energy and Water Conservancy College successfully signed contracts with Nuclear Industry Well and Tunnel Construction Group Co., Ltd. In recent years, the company has maintained a good cooperative relationship with our school, and many of our graduates have performed well in the enterprise, with some even becoming backbones and taking up leadership positions. He Yang, the recruitment responsible person of Nuclear Industry Well and Tunnel Construction Group Co., Ltd., said that the graduates of Shenyang Institute of Technology are excellent, with strong practical abilities and high comprehensive quality. They hope that more students from Shenyang Institute of Technology will join them. As a state-owned enterprise, they provide competitive salary and excellent promotion channels to students. This year, they also plan to establish an order-based class with our school.

The job fair also set up employment service areas such as policy promotion, archive policy consultation, career guidance, and entrepreneurship guidance, as well as a live streaming area for job postings. The entire job fair was broadcast live through platforms such as Douyin and WeChat Video, satisfying the job-seeking needs of graduates outside the campus and inviting enterprises to enter the live broadcast room for promotion.

(Written by Zhang Qian, Pictures by Guan Tianqi, Wang Jiali, Wang Yingshuo, Wang Qihao, Proofread by Li Jian, Reviewed by Qu Yi)

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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