Guo Fengzhi, Secretary General of Guangdong Science and Technology Enterprise Cooperation Promotion Association together with His Delegation Wisited Our School for Research

Release time:2024-03-22Source of articles:Browse times:

On March 20th, Guo Fengzhi, Secretary General of Guangdong Science and Technology Enterprise Cooperation Promotion Association, and his delegation visited our school for inspection and exchange. Principal Li Kangju and Vice Principal Xu Ying accompanied the entire process, and relevant department heads participated in the reception and discussion.

Li Kangju, on behalf of the school, warmly welcomed the arrival of Secretary General Guo Fengzhi and his delegation, and provided a detailed introduction to the school's educational history, educational philosophy, teaching and research, school enterprise cooperation, and international exchange and cooperation between Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. Li Kangju pointed out that over the years, the school has continuously innovated the education model, made efforts to build a collaborative education platform for school enterprise cooperation, realized the effective connection between talent training, professional construction and enterprise development, continued to explore new paths for integration of industry and education, built a win-win cooperative and innovative development model for industry, learning, research and application, adhered to the open school running strategy, actively responded to the national "the Belt and Road" initiative, and achieved remarkable results in talent training, scientific and technological innovation, school enterprise cooperation, international exchanges, etc.

Guo Fengzhi highly praised the development and construction achievements of our school, and fully affirmed the achievements made in talent cultivation, practical conditions, platform construction, international cooperation, and other aspects. Guo Fengzhi pointed out that Shenyang Institute of Technology, as the only undergraduate school in the Shen Fu Reform and Innovation Demonstration Zone, has a clear educational philosophy, distinctive characteristics of applied education, strong matching and adaptability between professional settings and social needs, firmly grasping the new needs of regional industries and economic and social development for talent cultivation, and making great efforts to build advanced internship, practical training, and scientific research platforms, providing strong talent support for local economic and social development.

At the meeting, both sides exchanged in-depth views on talent cultivation and output, Russia Ukraine Belarus exchanges and cooperation, base and platform construction, and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

Before the meeting, Guo Fengzhi and his delegation inspected the Advanced Manufacturing Center, Sino Belarus Innovation Center, Sino Russian Food Biotechnology International Joint Laboratory, Shenyang Institute of Technology Langchao Industrial Internet Institute Joint Innovation Center and Shenyang Institute of Technology Kindergarten.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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