Our university has developed in-depth cooperation with Irkutsk State Agricultural University of Russia

Release time:2024-01-16Source of articles:Browse times:

On January 10, President Li Kangju and Vice President Xu Ying met with visiting President Dmitriev Nikolai Nikolaevich and Vice President Lebetsky Oleg Vladimirovich of Irkutsk State Agricultural University. On the basis of the existing cooperation, the two universities signed a supplementary agreement to carry out in-depth cooperation in teacher and student exchanges, short-term visits and language training.

On behalf of the school, Li Kangju extended a warm welcome to Dmitriev and his delegation. He briefly introduced the characteristics of the school, professional construction, international cooperation, scientific research and other aspects. He pointed out that the school has been committed to cultivating high-quality agricultural talents with an international perspective to help the development of global agriculture. Shenyang Institute of Technology has a good research strength in the field of life science and agriculture. It is hoped that the two universities can give full play to their respective advantages, further deepen cooperation, enhance the level of exchange, and jointly promote the improvement of both sides in teaching, scientific research and personnel training.

Dmitriev Nikolai Nikolaevich expressed his sincere gratitude to our university for its warm reception and expressed confidence in the future deep cooperation between the two universities. He introduced the research achievements and teaching strength of the school in the fields of life science, agriculture and veterinary medicine. He expressed the hope that through this exchange and cooperation, the two sides can share educational resources, improve the quality of education, and make greater contributions to global agricultural development.

Xu Ying said that the two sides had conducted good cooperation before, and the students of Irkutsk State Agricultural University of Russia participated in the online winter camp activities and cultural exchange activities organized by our school. It is hoped that the two sides can strengthen cooperation in the future and make use of their respective resource advantages to promote common development.

At the meeting, the two sides held detailed discussions on cooperation in the fields of life sciences and agriculture, and conducted in-depth exchanges on scientific research projects, student visits, language training, summer camps, winter camps and other aspects, and reached consensus. After the meeting, the two sides signed a supplementary agreement.

The meeting was chaired by Wu Ningning, assistant Dean of the School of International Education. Wang Lijun, director of the Russia-Uzbek-Belarus Cooperation and Exchange Center, Wang Jiaqing, president of the School of Life Engineering, and Na Guangning, vice president, attended the meeting.

(Written by/Photo by Zhang Qian/Proofread by Li Ruoqi/Reviewed by Li Jian/Xu Ying)

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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