Meeting on Exchange of Experiences at of the Sino-Russian Vocational Education Alliance —the Sino-Russian Vocational Education Development Forum

Release time:2023-09-08Source of articles:Browse times:

On August 3, under the guidance of the Education Department of Heilongjiang Province and the people's Government of Harbin, the "Sino-Russian Vocational Education Alliance Establishment meeting and Sino-Russian Vocational Education Development Forum" sponsored by Harbin Vocational and Technical College, Russia-China General Chamber of Commerce and Khabarovsk Border region Education Development Institute was held in Harbin. More than 200 people from more than 130 alliance member units of both sides attended the meeting. Li Kangju, president of our school, was invited to attend the meeting and have a dialogue. After the election of the General Assembly, the Shenyang Institute of Technology was elected as the vice chairman of the Union Council.

Li Kangju said that SIT has been actively docking high-quality overseas resources for a long time and attaches great importance to expanding international cooperation and exchanges with "Belt and Road Initiative" countries, especially educational cooperation with Russian universities. Over the years, relying on the advantages of disciplines, SIT has established a joint laboratory of international cooperation with the combination of industry, university, research and application, created a "Belt and Road Initiative" academic exchange platform, and attracted experts and scholars from various countries to carry out research and academic exchanges. we have promoted the sharing of "Belt and Road Initiative" high-quality educational resources, and fruitful results have been achieved in international cooperation and exchanges.

Li Kangju pointed out that, at present, the main problems in training international vocational skills are that students' language foundation is not solid enough, professional teachers' bilingual communication skills are generally insufficient, and the training system of basic knowledge, professional knowledge, and professional skills is not perfect. In order to break through the bottleneck of international vocational skill personnel construction, it is necessary to vigorously strengthen language skill training, continuously carry out systematic teacher training, and speed up the systematic construction of international vocational skill personnel training, so as to ensure that students have the language communication ability and cross-cultural ability of the target country, constantly improve the teachers of international vocational skill personnel training, and gradually build a perfect international vocational skill personnel training system.

The establishment of the Sino-Russian vocational education alliance and the convening of the Sino-Russian seminar on the development of vocational education are practical measures to deepen the Sino-Russian comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation and implement the statement of the two countries to "deepen educational cooperation and promote vocational education exchanges." Joining the Sino-Russian vocational education alliance will bring more opportunities for our school in the aspects of international school-running mode, operating mechanism, talent training mode and the construction of education and teaching resources, and continuously deepen international exchanges and cooperation. it will play a positive role in promoting the high-level open and high-quality development of school education and teaching, and promoting more in-depth practical cooperation between our school and Russia.

During the meeting, Li Kangju held cooperation talks with representatives of Vladivostok National University and other Russian colleges and universities, and initially reached an intention to cooperate.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

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