The General Secretary of the 2021 Party branch held a meeting to review the work of Party construction

Release time:2022-03-30Source of articles:Browse times:

In accordance with the requirements of the notice of the Education Work Committee of the CPC Liaoning Provincial Party Committee on the issuance and distribution of the assessment plan for the assessment of the assessment of the assessment of the Party building at the grass-roots level by the Party Organization Secretary of the province-wide colleges and universities in 2021, on December 17, the 2021 held a meeting to review the work of the general secretary of the 2021. More than 100 members of the Party Committee, the heads of the relevant functional departments, the heads of the grass-roots Party organizations, representatives of Party members, representatives of the masses, representatives of the United Front and representatives of teachers and students attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Bai Jing, a member of the Party Committee and head of the Party and Mass Work Department.

At the council meeting, the nine General Party branch secretaries reported on the work of Party building, focusing on studying and implementing Xi Jinping’s thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party, implementing the requirements of the central and provincial Party committees on the work of Party building at the grassroots level, taking political construction as the leadership, and implementing the key tasks of Party building in colleges and universities. Li Wenguo, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and vice-president of the University, commented on the work of the General Party branches one by one, fully affirming the achievements of the General Party branches and pointing out the existing problems and deficiencies. Participants in the on-site evaluation of the content according to debriefing, combined with the implementation of the Party’s general branch work, seriously and responsibly to evaluate, fill in the evaluation ticket. In his concluding remarks, Li Wenguo fully affirmed that the General Party branches of all parties have carried out their work and achieved achievements this year around the main points of the Party building work in schools and in combination with their own characteristics.

At the same time, he pointed out the existing problems in the implementation of the responsibility of the Party building at the grass-roots level, the innovation of the Party building work, and the construction of the party affairs working team, and put forward the requirements for the work of the General Party branches in the next stage.

Li Wenguo stressed that the general branches of all parties should further strengthen the “Four consciousnesses”, strengthen the “Four self-confidence”, achieve the “Two maintenance”, and thoroughly study and publicize the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, honed to its original mission, strengthened its responsibility, constantly drawn wisdom and strength from the party’s 100-year struggle, vigorously carried forward the great party-building spirit, and vigorously promoted the high-quality development of the school from a new starting point, welcoming the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding achievements.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

Speech by Li Wenguo



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