Shen Yang Institute of Technology Welcomes 2021 Freshmen from outside the Province

Release time:2021-10-04Source of articles:Browse times:

The autumn breeze is gradually rising, and the autumn rain is slightly cool. On September 8, according to the epidemic prevention and control work arrangement, nearly 2,000 2021 freshmen from outside the province of our school registered and entered the beautiful campus with excitement and joy. The volunteers welcome new students from all over the country to join the SIT family with warm smiles, cordial greetings and caring service.

On the day of welcome, the well-dressed campus was completely renewed, and there was a beaming atmosphere everywhere. Freshmen lined up in an orderly manner, and in accordance with the epidemic prevention requirements, they presented the itinerary trajectory survey form, the safety commitment letter, the Liaoshitong health code, the State Council client epidemic prevention itinerary card green code and the negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours, and entered the disinfection area for temperature measurement. And they enter the campus after verification of identity after the body temperature is normal. The second-level colleges have launched special services based on their own characteristics, showing new students the results of running schools such as professional characteristics, school-enterprise cooperation, promotion of learning by competition, and professional associations.

The school organized a team of more than 600 volunteers to provide a full range of services for freshmen. The school has set up welcome stations in Shenyang Station, Shenyang North Station, Shenyang Tao Xian Airport and other places, and dispatched 20 buses to pick up freshmen to the school. At 6 o’clock in the morning on the day of the welcome day, the volunteers set off for the reception stations. At 7 o’clock in the morning, at the school’s main entrance and the check-in points of the secondary colleges, teachers and students have arrived at their posts to make preparations. At various welcome points on campus, there are eye-catching report process signs and warm reminder slogans to facilitate the freshmen to understand the registration process in time. In order to ensure the smooth registration of new students, the school provides one-to-one service for new students. Volunteers will accompany the new students throughout the registration process until they send their luggage to the dormitory. The school also opened a live broadcast through the official Douyin platform, allowing parents to watch the entire process of registration through the live broadcast.

During the welcome process, school leaders visited the new students in-depth on-site registration and in the student dormitories, and expressed condolences to the teachers, students and staff who participated in the welcome. The school leaders talked cordially with the freshmen, understood their expectations and opinions on the school, thanked them for their understanding and support of the school’s epidemic prevention work, and encouraged the freshmen to cherish university life and firmly grasp the precious opportunities for growth and success. School leaders urged the heads of relevant departments to strictly implement various prevention and control measures in accordance with the relevant requirements of the school’s epidemic prevention and control, effectively protect the health of teachers and students, and create a safe and orderly education and teaching environment.

In order to do a good job in the registration of 2021 freshmen, the school has made careful arrangements and arrangements in advance. The school organizes a coordinating meeting for the orientation work, and carefully deploys work about welcome. Various functional departments and secondary colleges actively prepare for the atmosphere creation, site layout, safety guarantee, green passage, freshmen reception, and communication services, etc. to ensure the smoothly going of the work. In accordance with relevant requirements for epidemic prevention, the school organized the entire school’s faculty and staff to conduct nucleic acid testing in advance, and conducted epidemic prevention and control drills to do a good job in the disinfection of the school’s premises. The second-level colleges have established a freshman registration work group in advance to notify every 2021 freshman of the relevant requirements and procedures for registration in time, and at the same time answer hot questions that the freshmen are concerned about.

For 2021 freshmen, here is a new starting point, and in the future, please adhere to the school spirit of “pursuit of excellence, mutual assistance and altruism”, and constantly surpass yourself, practice excellent skills, and achieve better yourself.

Translated by Basic Courses Department

SIT welcomesnewstudents from all over thecountry tojoin thefamily.

SIT has set up reception stations at airports and railway stations.

Check Temperature.

Volunteersserve theFreshmen.


The financial staff ofourschool deal with the relevant business for the freshmen zealously.

The school’s official Douyin live broadcaststhewelcomescene.

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