Gathering strength, Deepening the reform, Improving quality, Striving for the Qualified Assessment: The conference on teaching work and qualification assessment mobilization was held in SIT

Release time:2021-03-15Source of articles:Browse times:

On February 24th, the conference on teaching of year 2021 and qualification assessment mobilization was held in the lecture hall of the School of International Education. With the attendance of school leaders, middle-level cadres, professional (academic) leaders and directors of teaching and research departments, the meeting was presided over by Liang Shuang, the minister of teaching management department.

President Li Kangju made his report entitled “Decisive Victory, Striving for the Great Victory of Passing Qualified Assessment”. Focusing on the core connotation of “Four Promotion, Three Basics, Two Highlights, and One Guidance”, he systematically summarized the main achievements and shortcomings of our school in nine aspects: ideological and political work of the Party construction, school running philosophy, specialty construction, talent training quality, scientific research and development ability, talent team construction, international exchange and cooperation, campus facilities environment, influence and competitiveness. Li Kangju emphasized the importance of undergraduate teaching qualified assessment of the Ministry of Education, which is not only closely related to the overall development, but also the future development of the school. Related to the vital interests of all the faculty and staff, it is a great review of the school level and ability. All staff should have a deep understanding of the significance of the evaluation work. We will closely combine with the actual situation of the current evaluation work, strengthen the understanding of the evaluation standards, and enhance the sense of urgency. Li Kangju put forward three requirements on the sprint phase of the evaluation; Firstly, the preparation for the evaluation must be solid. To achieve the “Three ‘in place’”, everyone’s cognition in place, every piece of implementation in place, everything responsibility in place. Secondly, we should reasonably plan the preparation work to meet the evaluation, and achieve the "three overall plans", namely, the overall planning of time, personnel and work. Thirdly, we should do detailed preparation work to meet the evaluation, and achieve the “three guarantees” to ensure full coverage, ensure the whole process, and ensure all-round. Li Kangju stressed that the school has invested a lot of human, material and financial resources in teaching construction in recent years. Currently, the number of teachers in the school has reached the standard, the teaching level has been significantly improved, and the teaching facilities are complete to ensure the needs of running the school. The whole school should cherish the good situation of the development of the school, firmly establish the concept of a game of chess, cheer up, combat-ready, gather the heart of the school, set the wisdom of the school, raise the force of the school, do a solid job to meet the evaluation of the final sprint phase of the work, with excellent results to win the evaluation of the overall victory!

During the meeting, Vice President Gong Pei Guo gave a report entitled “Implementing the Requirements of School Running, Training High Quality Application Type Talents with Teaching of SIT Characteristic”, emphasized on the breakthrough points of insisting morality education, localized education, application-oriented education, running a best applied technology college, insisting intensive development, insisting teaching work and the students’ development as the centre, insisting “Six Ones” teaching guidelines, Double Ten-Thousand Plan, strengthening teaching management and quality assurance, and combed and comprehensively summarized our work development and results referring to the guidelines of quality assessment, and proposed the requirements of teaching mission of 2021 and improving measures based on quality assessment and intensive development as centre of teaching, according to the requirements of guidelines from “Liaoning Province CPC committee Education Working Committee Liaoning Province Education Department on printing Notice regarding to Implementation Guidelines of Further Strenthening Undergraduate Teaching Reform and Comprehensively Improving the Quality of Talents Training (LWJT 2020 47)”.

This conference is an important measure for the College to thoroughly implement the spirit of the conference on promoting the high-quality development of undergraduate teaching reform in colleges and universities across the province. The meeting from our school to accept the Ministry of Education undergraduate course teaching qualified evaluation only 60 days, marks for evaluation in our school work officially enters the countdown status, a move that will further deepen the consensus, coagulation hearts meet force, unite as one, confidence, motivate teachers to win the school to meet the education ministry of job of undergraduate course teaching qualified evaluation the battle and forge ahead!

Translated by Basic Courses Department

President Li Kangju made the mobilization speech

Vice President Gong Pi Guo gave a work report

The meeting

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