The 4th Plenary Conference of the Second Session of the Board of Directors of Shenyang Institute of Technology

Release time:2020-06-05Source of articles:Browse times:

On May 31st, the 4th Plenary Video Conference of the Second Session of the Board of Directors of Shenyang Institute of Technology was held in the conference room at the Erudition Building. Attendees included School board members Wang Zhaobao, Li Kangju, Chen Gang, Liu Chunshi, Huang Gang, Sun Changjiang, Yao Xuyang, Bai Dongsheng, Li Hua, Yang Xiuying. Also, chairman of the Supervisory Board of Shenyang Institute of Technology, Lv Guohao, attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Wang Zhaobao, the chairman and legal representative of the school.

Atthebeginning of the meeting, Wang Zhaobao first expressed sincere greetings and heartfeltgratitude to the directors on behalf of the school board of directors. He hoped that the directors would continue to contribute ideas, suggestions and efforts for the school's development, to promote the school's various careers to a new level,tomakecontributionstowrite thefuturechapterof Shenyang Institute of Technology.

The school party committee secretary,Chen Gang made a report entitled "Implementing the Fundamental Tasks of Serving Talents and Serving the Talent Training", which provided a comprehensive summary of the party construction and ideological and political work of Shenyang Institute of Technology in 2019, and pointed out the existing problems and the work plan for the next stage. Participants unanimously endorsed the achievements madebythe school's party,affirmed ideological and political work in the past year, discussed the ideas for future work.

Principal Li Kangju made a summary reportaboutthe work of Shenyang Institute of Technology in 2019,which included 10 aspects— infrastructure construction, special evaluation construction, professional construction, curriculum construction, practice-based construction, teacher team construction, foster virtue through educationproject, international exchange and cooperation construction,massentrepreneurship and innovation education construction, and quality assurance system construction. That summarized the development achievements of the school in the past year, focusing on the achievements made in student work, scientific research and security construction. The directors of the meeting fully affirmed the various developmentachievementofSITin 2019.

The meeting reviewed the report "Key Points of Work of Shenyang Institute of Technology" by President Li Kangju, whichpointedout that one of the most important works is to meet the evaluation and promote the construction.Lialsoindicatedthatweshould regard the Assessment andConstruction workas an opportunity to solidly promote the teaching quality improvement project, improve the quality of applied talent training and teaching quality guarantee system, and comprehensively promote the goal planning of the school's connotative development.Afterthat, "Shenyang Institute of Technology's financial statements for the fiscal year 2019" and "Shenyang Institute of Technology's financial budget for fiscal year 2020." were deliberated.

During the discussion stage, the directors at the meeting spoke enthusiastically,and fully affirming the development achievements of SIT. They put forward many valuable opinions and suggestions for the development of SIT, discussed how tobringmodern science and technology to the classroom.

In the concluding speech, Wang Zhaobao highly affirmed the directors' sense of responsibility and mission to the developmentofSIT. At the same time, he hoped that all directors will continue to provide a strong spiritual impetus for SIT's development with their school-loving passion. He said that the school will carefully listen to the valuable opinions of the directors, implement the spirit of this meeting, and effectively incorporate these opinions and suggestions into the school's future development plan, so that this meeting can fully play the role of gathering elite strength, wisdom and common, seek the important role of the development plan, and then work together to create a newconditionin the reform and development of Shenyang Institute of Technology.

-TranslationBasic Courses Department

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